April 16, 2012

video and social help mobile.

According to eMarketer, nearly one third of the US population will consume video content on a mobile device at least once a month by 2016. That's 110 million people watching videos on their phones. My guess is it will be higher than this because more people will also be uploading video content.

The other factor that will be helping the use of mobile along is social. The number of people using their mobile device for social networking will be grow even faster. One third of the population will be social networking by 2014 and most of those log-ins will be on Facebook. No surprise there.

What does this all mean? Great question. I believe more and more advertising dollars are headed to mobile. I believe more and more marketing dollars are headed to mobile. Even though right now mobile is underspent in marketing I believe the tide will turn. According to this recent Mobile Marketer post, mobile is grabbing 23 percent of consumers’ time. However, mobile receives approximately one percent of budget money, showing the deep divide between brands’ marketing campaigns and user habits.

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