March 30, 2012

the shift to digital marketing.

According to a February 2012 poll of CMOs advertising dollars are moving away from traditional and towards digital. This is no surprise. Although there was a slight dip in 2011, it looks like the move is on the rise again and I don't expect it to dip again any time soon. The appeal of digital is clear. It has the ability to better target and to provide better analytics, plain and simple.

And social media will see a significant bump in spending as well. Marketers plan to allocate 7.4% of their budgets for the current year to social media. That number is expected to almost triple by 2017. It is interesting to note that CMOs typically see social media as existing in a silo, on its own rather than be part of the overall marketing mix. Just as they ignored social media for a while and are now starting to accept and adopt it, they will soon start seeing the benefits of adding it into the mix as well.

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